Takeaways From the 2024 Meta Agency Summit in New York

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Along with Stephanie Shaw – JumpFly’s Paid Social Account Director – I attended the Meta Agency Summit in New York City at Pier Sixty. The Summit was a one-day, in-person event extended to a limited number of Meta’s agency business partners. This educational and interactive format, co-hosted by creator extraordinaire Natalie Marshall (@corporatenatalie), was an energetic kick-off to Q4.

My “hand-selected peers” and I listened to several speakers and panelists discuss topics that benefit agencies working with advertisers on Meta, such as JumpFly’s clients. Recordings of the Summit Main Stage sessions (including decks) are not available at this time, but we want to share our thoughts and takeaways after the one-day event. 

I enjoy these in-person conferences for networking, case studies, and invaluable information from advertising platform experts. Here is a quick summary of the primary takeaways from our short but impactful time in New York. Stay tuned for a follow-up blog for more shareable content from the Summit.

Creative Matters

About 56% of the Meta auction outcomes can be attributed to the creative. Not only is good-quality creative important, but you also need to take into account the diversity of concepts, the quantity, and the format. 

  • Concept: This refers to the story or message the creative is conveying.
  • Quantity: During the Summit, Meta recommended a minimum of 20 creatives per campaign. We admit that sounds overwhelming! We recommend testing with different quantities to find a range that works with your needs and with the resources available to you.
  • Format: During the Summit, an example of format referred to the creative’s specification (square, vertical, horizontal). As a best practice, Meta recommends building placement-optimized ads, which make them look native to the feed, stories, etc. placements. 
Brand Building 

Advertisers no longer need to wait until big historic events (such as the Super Bowl) to build their brands. Brands are building their presence every day through intimate and immediate story-telling

  • Use short-form content to meet your consumers where they are spending their time. Meta users are spending, on average, 26 minutes per day consuming videos. More users are discovering brands through short-form content on social media and not through traditional outlets, such as television. 
  • Leverage generative AI and automation to meet consumers where they are in their journey. The purchasing journey is now considered fluid, and using artificial intelligence can be more efficient and effective!
  • Define the right KPIs, and meet consumers where it matters to your brand. Be intentional and specific! Focus on the KPI that delivers for your brand (ad recall, brand favorability, conversion rate, engagement, reach, etc.)
Learn About Data Attribution

During one session, when three agency executives shared their perspectives on advertising across business objectives, data attribution was brought up as a tool that should not be overlooked. 

  • Some advertisers don’t want to invest in a data attribution software because they believe such solutions are cost-prohibitive and unnecessary for their business. However, the thought leaders at the Summit are encouraging fellow agency practitioners to research solutions, such as Triple Whale, Measured, and Segment, especially if conversions are made beyond Meta’s default 7-day click, 1-day view attribution.
  • In the coming months, Meta will share announcements about partner integrations with data attribution solutions. More to come!
Testing, Testing, and Testing

Though the Summit did overview and emphasize AI, I want to highlight one session that recommended agencies get into a habit of testing. Meta’s Experiments section offers different tests for businesses of any size.

  • Run a test to see which creative is converting the best
  • Run a test to measure incremental impact
  • Run a test to see brand lift

It is recommended to test a few times a year, if not more often. This might help you make decisions to scale your ad spend, guide your creatives, and provide hard data when you are unsure what is working. 

Overall, the Summit was a valuable use of our time, and we are excited to share more with you. The last takeaway is no matter how large or small the agency is, we care for our clients and are invested in the success of their business. 

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